Earn money on surveys.

You’re in the right place!
The TGM team is dedicated to relating your opinion to the top local and global brands.
Because your input is important in creating a realistic marketplace, companies from all over the world come to us to hear about what displeases you and what you think would make their products and services improve. Take advantage of this opportunity and participate in our paid surveys.
We design our surveys to be fun and easy to fill. Our surveys would also help you develop as a consumer. All you need to participate is having access to any device and to the internet!
Why is TGM the right place for you?
Let's make a positive change in the world!
The TGM team is dedicated to relaying your opinions to the most prominent companies in the world. Famous brands from more than 100 countries come to us to find out what customers from all over the world think about the quality of their services and products.
Whether you think a service should be provided differently or a product’s quality needs improving, the betterment of the global market relies on your participation in our paid surveys.

We take your privacy seriously
We protect your privacy from every possible threat
No spams will be sent to you as a consequence of joining us
You may unsubscribe as easily as you subscribed, there are no strings attached
We abide by the rules of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and ESOMAR
Why is it worth to take paid surveys for money?
No time frame makes it easy to plan a schedule to make money taking surveys.
Discovering the best paid survey websites like TGM Panel & new ways of earning
There is no experience required for that job. Online surveys that pay cash can be taken without special qualifications or courses.
There is enough diversity in subjects to find a survey fitting to individual interests and preferences, as they are offered by plenty of research companies.
Paid surveys at home aren’t hard to take, they are characterized by simplicity and ease in giving answers. Taking them usually doesn't take more than a few minutes.
Even if we are already registered on one of the research panels offering paid surveys, we can still join another one. That’s a very good method as it increases our income from taken surveys.
The surveys often ask about services and products that aren’t on the local market yet. It gives us an opportunity to find out more about novelties.
Our opinion expressed via a survey has a realistic influence on making given company’s products and services better. That is one of the reasons behind creating a survey. Earning on surveys offers us not only an income but also an actual satisfaction.
What is TGM Panel and how to take online and mobile surveys with its help?
How to easily earn money on the internet?
The second step is to confirm your identity and registration on the website. To verify your information, you must click the link sent to you via email. Please remember to check the Promotions and Spam folder if you can’t find the activation email.
To ensure that our emails go to your inbox and not to spam, please add to your contact list or address book.
The fourth step is awaiting for best paid surveys. When research fitting your profile will be available, you will usually get a notification via email. This way you will not miss out on increasing your balance on our on-line panel. It is also important due to temporality of the research – after a few days (and sometimes even hours) the survey will be inactive.
Remember that we don’t inform about all surveys via email and some of the notifications may get lost in the ocean of other correspondence, so it’s good to get a daily habit, for example during the morning coffee, of logging to your respondent’s panel https://portal.tgmpanel.com - in order to check if there are any new surveys ready to be filled out (that is, if there is a chance to earn some money on-line).
You can also receive notifications regarding new surveys via WhatsApp and Facebook messenger apps and chrome plug-ins (so that the surveys pop-up directly on your phone or on the side of your computer screen). These options can be turned on (and equally easily turned off) in configuration settings on your personal account at the research panel https://portal.tgmpanel.com
The fifth step is taking the survey. Again, remember that the given answers need to be thought through and honest. Remember – your work with our surveys online, your input in market research ordered by various companies is very important. Based on these surveys, important decisions are made that may influence also your life. By giving honest answers when you complete surveys, there’s nothing to worry about as the paid online surveys on our panel are fully anonymous.
After finishing a survey, we can check how much we have earned. The TGM panel offers earn cash for the taken survey in SGD and points (1 pt = 1 SGD). You will also receive 0.02 point for time spent if you will not qualify for the research (closed survey, full quota, different respondent profile required, etc.)
The sixth step is the nicest one, as it includes receiving your payment. Remember to check the minimal amount required for a transfer. In case of TGM Panel, that amount equals to 16 SGD for Singapurian dollar payments or 5 SGD in case of a point balance payment (some surveys are paid in dollars, some in points later converted to dollar – depending on the client).
More and more research panels, including TGM Panel do cash via PayPal transfers – paypal.com. We can later transfer the payment from the PayPal account to a regular bank account. After a few days, our money will be available at the final account.
It is also possible to use the earned sum to top-up your phone account (if you own a top-up phone).
The third method of cashing your payment is using Gcodes gift codes – more info at app.gcodes.com.
Isn’t that easy?

But how to find best survey sites in Singapore?
The surveys popping-up during surfing the net aren’t what we are looking for. They are free, and they will bring us nothing but wasted time - even if they offer for example PayPal or gift cards.
To earn on taking surveys, we need to find a trustworthy research panel, which will guarantee us a payment for a survey we took. Recently there have been many of such portals on-line.
Which one should I choose?
You should obviously go for the one that is easy in use, legible and most importantly, it pays. Like TGM Panel! We encourage you to register and start to earn cash.
What is market research, what are research companies and what is research for?
Market research consists in data collection and interpretation. These activities allow establishing basic market elements, including prices of goods and services, their demand and supply and consumer opinion and behavior.
Market research also allows defining the course taken by competition. Currently, success of an enterprise depends on analysis, that make it easier to make the right decisions in business. The knowledge on market requirements and properly applied marketing strategies allow new services and products to arise.
The key element of gathering data that gives predominance over competition, is market research.
Such research is advisable in cases of increased risk, when important decisions about the enterprise’s actions are made. Such situations include mostly:
- Appearance of competition that has a lot of interest among customers.
- Planned expansion to new markets.
- Transforming seller’s market into a buyer’s market.
- Changes implied to a given country government’s economic politics.
- Constant change in buyer’s requirements and a decrease in their needs.
- Test research
- Price research
- Brand research
- Exploration research
- Customer satisfaction research
- Household panels
There are many factors influencing the choice of research methods, such as the time we have for gathering the data, the size of the researched area, financial expenditure and the research objective.
A survey (accessible on survey websites) is one of the most popular research techniques. Due to the ease of data collection and its easy analysis, it became the basic tool for marketing research.
In the Internet era, the most accessible and cheapest method of data collection is by an online and mobile survey and relay on the survey websites. Such research has a relatively high range at a low financial cost. Online survey questions are simple and answering them isn’t hard for the participants.
Survey anonymity guarantees credibility of the given answers which correlates with the efficacy of the performed research.
Our Panels
TGM Research panels in Europe

Read more about our panels and data sampling methods.
TGM Research panels in Africa

Read more about our panels and data sampling methods.
TGM Research panels in Asia Pacific

Read more about our panels and data sampling methods.
TGM Research panels in The Americas

Read more about our panels and data sampling methods.